Imagine we'e sitting here together, the sun setting over the arena watching a good horse work- balanced, responsive, doing their job with quiet confidence.  You've got a cold drink in hand, and there's a sense of purpose in the air.

Our here, the pace slows, and things feel right.  This is where grit meets grace, where tradition and progress find common ground.

That's the kind of life I'm helping people create.  I'm all about honoring the heritage that built the West while teaching the skills to thrive in a modern world.  

It's not about going backward- it's about bringing the best of those cowboy values into todays challenges and opportunities.

Have a seat, I'll grab drinks

Hey there, Boss!



A little list of options for your to consider...

  • Adult Showmanship Course
  • Western Hospitality Workshops
  • Legacy Coaching
  • Speaking Engagements
  • One-on-One Guideance

Why?  Because I've been there.  I'm a ranch mom, a horsewoman, and long ago, a Division I Women's Coach turned entrepreneur.  I've spent years helping people polish their skills in and out of the arena.

From teaching my kids how to handle a horse to guiding others in competitive and professional spaces, I understand what it takes to thrive when the stakes are high.

What do I offer? 

 Professional Growth

I'm not about quick fixes or shortcuts here.  I'm about teaching you how to ride through life with purpose and grit, one challenge at a time.

So let's sit here a little longer, watch these good horses work, and talk about what's next for you.  Because just like training a horse, building a life of meaning takes time, skill and the right trainer.

Ready to take the reins?  Explore my services or reach out today- I'll help you create a legacy as enduring as the West itself!

Why i decided to become a coach

  • As a homeschooling mom of 5  (yes, you read that right) I know how to get $hit done... most days!
  • I don't actually believe you need to hire a professional for basic steps to tighten your own cinch.
  • I'm gonna show you all my cards and try to have at least 1 free training or tutorial for every topic.

No gate keeping here